Staffel 9
Bewerte und Kommentiere
0.5 katastrophal
1 schlecht
1.5 enttäuschend
2 lau
2.5 durchschnittlich
3 solide
3.5 gut
4 stark
4.5 hervorragend
5 Meisterwerk
Chicago Med



13 Episoden
zuerst ausgestrahlt auf: NBC
Starttermin: 17. Januar 2024
7 Bilder
foto von Steven Weber
Rolle: Dr. Dean Archer
foto von Dominic Rains
Rolle: Dr Crockett Marcel
foto von Marlyne Barrett
Rolle: Maggie Lockwood
foto von Jessy Schram
Rolle: Dr. Hannah Asher
Die episoden von staffel 9
Poster der Serie Row Row Row Your Boat on a Rocky Sea
S09E01 - Row Row Row Your Boat on a Rocky Sea
Poster der Serie This Town Ain't Big Enough for Both of Us
S09E02 - This Town Ain't Big Enough for Both of Us
Poster der Serie What Happens in the Dark Always Comes to Light
S09E03 - What Happens in the Dark Always Comes to Light
Poster der Serie These Are Not the Droids You Are Looking For
S09E04 - These Are Not the Droids You Are Looking For
Poster der Serie I Make a Promise, I Will Never Leave You
S09E05 - I Make a Promise, I Will Never Leave You
Poster der Serie I Told Myself That I Was Done with You
S09E06 - I Told Myself That I Was Done with You
Poster der Serie Step on a Crack and Break Your Mother's Back
S09E07 - Step on a Crack and Break Your Mother's Back
Poster der Serie A Penny for Your Thoughts, Dollar for Your Dreams
S09E08 - A Penny for Your Thoughts, Dollar for Your Dreams
Poster der Serie Spin a Yarn, Get Stuck in Your Own String
S09E09 - Spin a Yarn, Get Stuck in Your Own String
Poster der Serie You Just Might Find You Get What You Need
S09E10 - You Just Might Find You Get What You Need
Poster der Serie I Think There Is Something You're Not Telling Me
S09E11 - I Think There Is Something You're Not Telling Me
Poster der Serie Get By with a Little Help from My Friends
S09E12 - Get By with a Little Help from My Friends
Poster der Serie I Think I Know You, But Do I Really?
S09E13 - I Think I Know You, But Do I Really?