Staffel 4
Bewerte und Kommentiere
0.5 katastrophal
1 schlecht
1.5 enttäuschend
2 lau
2.5 durchschnittlich
3 solide
3.5 gut
4 stark
4.5 hervorragend
5 Meisterwerk
The Royals


3,0 3 Wertungen


10 Episoden
zuerst ausgestrahlt auf: E!
Starttermin: 11. März 2018
foto von Elizabeth Hurley
Rolle: Queen Helena
foto von William Moseley
Rolle: Prince Liam
foto von Alexandra Park
Rolle: Princess Eleanor
foto von Jake Maskall
Rolle: Cyrus
Die episoden von staffel 4
Poster der Serie How Prodigal the Soul
S04E01 - How Prodigal the Soul
Poster der Serie Confess Yourself to Heaven
S04E02 - Confess Yourself to Heaven
Poster der Serie Seek For thy Noble Father in The Dust
S04E03 - Seek For thy Noble Father in The Dust
Poster der Serie Black As His Purpose Did The Night Resemble
S04E04 - Black As His Purpose Did The Night Resemble
Poster der Serie There's Daggers in Men's Smiles
S04E05 - There's Daggers in Men's Smiles
Poster der Serie My News Shall Be the Fruit to That Great Feast
S04E06 - My News Shall Be the Fruit to That Great Feast
Poster der Serie Forgive Me This My Virtue
S04E07 - Forgive Me This My Virtue
Poster der Serie In the Dead Vast and Middle of the Night
S04E08 - In the Dead Vast and Middle of the Night
Poster der Serie Foul Deeds Will Rise
S04E09 - Foul Deeds Will Rise
Poster der Serie With Mirth in Funeral and With Dirge in Marriage
S04E10 - With Mirth in Funeral and With Dirge in Marriage