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    Gruselig: 30 Disney- und Pixar-Helden mit vertauschten Gesichtern

    So schräg kann es aussehen, wenn Disney- und Pixar-Figuren mit ihren Sidekicks, Geliebten oder Bösewichten die Gesichter tauschen!


    ^I LOVE THIS ONE SO MUCH 😂😂😂😂😂 - - BUT OK I HAVE A LOT TO SAY. 1, yes I deleted like all of my posts, THIS DOESNT MEAN IM CHANGING THE ACCOUNT SO STOP UNFOLLOWING I just wanted to start over, so now I'll repost some pictures and post new ones. - - 2, THANKS FOR 1.8K! 😱😭😘 ILYGSM JUST PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE STAY ACTIVE 😄😩 - - And lastly, a lot of people are doing that #adminfriday where they post a picture of themselves on Friday so I decided that I would do it too, just so you know who's behind this account haha, but I'll only do it like once a month cause I'm not about the selfie life 📷 - - Also I'll try to interact with you guys more cause yeah 😋 - - OK THATS ALL so QOTD: what's your name backwards? 🔁 mine is rebma 👶 - - Double tap and comment! 💬

    Ein von amber 😛 (@disney.faceswap) gepostetes Foto am

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