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    Große Geste: Nach gigantischem US-Kinostart von "Guardians Of The Galaxy" dankt James Gunn den Fans

    Nachdem die Weltraum-Oper "Guardians Of The Galaxy" mit einem unerwartet hohen Einspielergebnis die US-Kinocharts am Eröffnungs-Wochenende rockte, veröffentlichte Regisseur James Gunn einen Dankesbrief an die Fans auf Facebook.


    Für den Start eines Franchise, das noch nicht vom Erfolg der Vorgängerfilme profitieren kann, ist das ein überragendes Ergebnis: "Guardians Of The Galaxy", der am 1. August 2014 in den USA startete, spielte am ersten Wochenende 94 Millionen US-Dollar ein und markiert damit den besten August-Start aller Zeiten – davor führte "Das Bourne Ultimatum" diesen Titel, der zu seinem Start im August 2007 vergleichsweise lasche 69,3 Millionen Dollar einspielte. Regisseur James Gunn ist deshalb verständlicherweise völlig aus dem Häuschen und formulierte seine Dankbarkeit an die Kinobesucher und Schöpfer des Films in einem Brief, den er auf Facebook veröffentlichte.

    In seinem Schreiben offenbarte Gunn auch, dass er bereits hart an der Fortsetzung "Guardians Of The Galaxy 2" arbeite. Er dankte allen, die "Guardians" am vergangenen Wochenende gesehen hatten, von ganzem Herzen. Der Film sei für alle, die sich jemals "beiseitegeschoben, übersehen und anders" fühlten, denn die Guardians seien schließlich eine Gruppe von Außenseitern und Geeks. Gunn: "Der Film ist für uns alle, die niemals richtig dazugehörten. Dieser Film gehört euch."

    Gunn betonte, dass er natürlich auch über das Einspielergebnis erfreut sei, aber in erster Linie begeistert darüber, dass er am Ende den Film realisieren konnte, den er vor zwei Jahren den Leuten von Marvel vorschlug. Was für ein Film das genau ist, sehen wir in Deutschland leider erst ab dem 28. August 2014. Im Anschluss an den Trailer könnt ihr euch den kompletten Brief von James Gunn durchlesen:

    Thanks to all of you who saw (and are seeing) Guardians of the Galaxy this weekend, from the bottom of my heart. The Guardians are a group of oddballs, outcasts, and geeks. The movie is for anyone who ever felt cast aside, left out, or different. It's for all of us who don't belong. This movie belongs to you. And, today, I think we're doing okay.

    I am of course happy with all the film has accomplished box-office-wise. But what touches me the most is that the film I told the folks at Marvel I wanted to make two years ago is the film that you're seeing in theaters today - it's that so many of you seem to be directly EXPERIENCING the film I INTENDED. The cast, the producers, the crew, and I felt like we were making something special while we were making it. But it is very rare that a director's INTENTIONS in creating a film, or a scene, or a character, or a line of dialogue are, seemingly, specifically what is experienced by an audience (not to mention critics!), and that seems to be what has happened here. You have allowed a talking raccoon - for a moment, a minute, or a day - to make you a little more human. And for that, I am profoundly grateful.

    If I relied on myself to implement these intentions, the film would be a shambling mess. But instead, I had a wonderful cast, genius producers, an incredibly brave studio, sublimely talented visual effects artists, great editors, and the best damn crew of mostly-British bastards to actually implement these intentions for me. Where I had a good idea they would, through alchemy, transform it into a great one. Many of you involved are friends of mine on Facebook. Many of you will read this somewhere else. I love you all.

    You may remember me posting here a couple weeks ago how sad I was to be finishing up the film, that I was having trouble letting go of Rocket, and that I was going to miss him. But seeing him (and Groot, and the rest of the team) embraced by the world like they have been, to be UNDERSTOOD, makes it a wonderful letting go. It's like giving a foster pet up for adoption to the most wonderful parents in the world.

    And, of course, I'm not really saying goodbye as, while many of you have been enjoying the film, I've spent this weekend hard at work on the sequel. I couldn't help myself! The results are nice but it's really the creative process I love and that keeps me going. I'm on fire with this thing! The Guardians have so many hardships and heartaches and triumphs ahead of them, and I can't wait to share them with all of you.

    Onto week two...

    Love, James

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